Foodstuff Fridays

Hey guys, sorry I’ve been quiet all week. It was really busy at work work with lots of late nights so I just got lazy in writing posts.

But, it’s Friday and you know what that means?? It is Foodstuff Fridays, full of foodie links from around the web that I find during the week.

Bringing alcohol home from a trip, be it wine from Israel or liquor from the US is always a challenge. This method to protect your bottle(s) in your suitcase will certainly help them make a safe journey. I personally don’t usually have access to bubble wrap during a trip but I have had success wrapping the bottles in clothing. I make sure they are in the middle of the suitcase and fully protected all around.

So I love Anthony Bourdain in spite of all of his bitterness. And he loves Ina Garten which is super cool.

I made this Brussels Sprouts Gratin from SkinnyTaste over the weekend and it was divine. A great way to hide the Brussels sprouts, under a layer of cheese.

In case you wonder how a French person lives and dines.

I am super anal about making sure I drink tons of water leading up to a flight and force my husband to do so. He experienced firsthand what happens when you don’t drink enough water before a flight and how crappy you feel getting off the plane. I promise you that keeping hydrated before, during, and after a flight goes a long way.

These are apparently the 7 top destinations for 2018. Have you been to any of them yet? As you know, I’ve been to Malta and we were thisclose to going to Sri Lanka for Christmas. Instead, we are going to Tanzania and Dubai this year!

That’s it for this Friday, my friends.


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